Oct 29, 2008

Hello You

Hello Blog, allow me to introduce myself..... you and I used to be great friends. Lets get re-acquainted......I have just finished hand addressed 200 wedding invitations. I dotted every I and crossed every T with love. I can't wait for everyone to gather with us on our special day. I am getting excited at the thought of becoming a Mrs. Speaking of the Mr. and Mrs. the Mr. is preparing for his annual fishing trip to upstate New York. I love when he takes this trip because I get to revel in the eastern wine upon his return. I have many plans while he is away. I have projects lined up, breakfast dates, dinner dates and I intend to be "showered" with attention at 2 parties thrown in my honor. This is the fantastic time in which I love being the bride! Is it wrong to enjoy the moments that are all about me? We have many great things to look forward to in the coming months. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and happens to be one of our favorite holidays. Our next activity will involve traveling to Wyoming to witness the nuptials of my dearest friend. Our presence with then be requested at several Christmas parties, followed by the arrival of Christmas. After Christmas brings the chorum of out of town family. I shall then ring in the New Year one last time as a single woman. Only to change that status two days later. I can't think of a better way to start the year. From then I just can't say. I will for now live in the moment and continue to look forward to the things to come! Stay tuned, it is about to get good! Oh and by the way, Mr. J informed me he intends to start posting right here on this very blog.....I will believe it when I see it!

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