Oct 10, 2008

aahh girls

Last Sunday I had the privilege of spending time with some amazing ladies! We got together to celebrate the upcoming wedding of my dearest and best friend. Now let me first start with the fact that these women are wild, fun and all related! Somehow this explains a lot of things, good things of course. There is a different kind of fun that I have when I am with these girls. One that I can't explain. It is just different. One that isn't affected by miles, time or anything else. Getting together is always the same and as much fun as the last time, even if that was 6 months ago. This night was no exception! Look out Salt Lake City because here comes the family....and Reggan. That is exactly what happened. So you ask, how much fun did we have.......... I can't even begin to tell you! So.....here is to:
The bachelorette, the whiskey, the scratch off cards that didn't scratch off, Olive Garden salad(still waiting), sangria, getting kicked out of Olive Garden for being to loud("hey we're Italian, what do you expect?"), Iggys, A good ole fashioned game of I Have Never, a bucket of chicken balls,the yellow taxi cab in a glass(don't order it, it is just bad), blue moon, tea and champagne and our poor waitress.

And most importantly, to the girls that made me laugh so hard I cried and made me cry so hard I laughed. Thanks girlies, I really needed it!


Kelly & Charlene Moore said...

Hey Reg. You girls look like you had some fun. You all looked cute. Where are you living? Hope all is well.

Love. Charle "Vetere" Moore

Stephanie said...

Sounds like fun. I can only imagine what went on that night. Yikes! Can't wait for your bachelorette party!!!!