Aug 21, 2008

You no like.,.....

We ordered Mexican last night and made up a batch of margaritas to add to the ambiance. Before we put the tequila away we thought it was only fitting that we start our feast with a shot. This brought back one of our favorite memories from Mexico. Our first day there we found a small Cantina across from our hotel. We sat on the patio and listened to the music while drinking a corona. The waiter brought over this bottle and offered us a shot. We were quick to agree, after all it was Mexico right? So first shot down......more corona......another shot, more corona....then the waiter comes back with the bottle one last time and fills both of our glasses. This is how the conversation unfolds.

us: Oh, we didn't order that
him: You no like, you no pay!
us: Oh oh, okay (whispering to ourselves) oh man guess we are paying.

When looking back, not a bad way to start a trip to Mexico. I suppose, when in Mexico, do as the Mexicans?


One dog, two cats, two chickens said...

I'm pretty sure you drink like a Mexican all the time. Wait! Could that be because you ARE Mexican? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am seriously impressed that you even remember the conversation!!!